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Shatter - Digital Download

Shatter - Digital Download


"Shatter" is a 15-week self-guided Bible Study on the women of the Bible. Readers will study 28 women of the Bible in 14 pairs and will focus their attention for the first week on the feminine metaphor used in the BIble to describe God. Each week guides the reader through these well-known Biblical stories and aims to help the reader see how there is a deep legacy of leadership found among the women of the Bible.


All of our Third Coast Paper Bible Studies are written for modern readers, are focused around topical studies of the Bible, and are written from an inter-denominational Christian perspective. They are self-guided, but can be used in groups.


Week 1: Creator God

Week 2: The Mothers (Eve + Mary)

Week 3: The Wives (Sarah + Hagar)

Week 4: The Sisters (Leah + Rachel)

Week 5: The Queens (Vashti + Esther)

Week 6: The Brokenhearted (Hannah + Elizabeth)

Week 7: The Prophets (Deborah + Huldah)

Week 8: The Leaders (Junia + Tabitha)

Week 9: The Exiles (Ruth + Naomi)

Week 10: The Unnamed (Jephthah's Daughter + The Woman Accused of Adultery)

Week 11: The Abused (Tamar + Bathsheba)

Week 12: The Wise (Rahab + Miriam)

Week 13: The Friends (Mary + Martha of Bethany)

Week 14: The Idealized (Proverbs 31 + Song of Songs)

Week 15: The Firsts (Mary of Magdala + The Woman at the Well)


Contact us for bulk pricing, if you'd like to sell them in your shop, or license them for use. Enjoy!

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